Top 10 Pet Animals | List of Best Domestic Animals

A Pet is an animal kept primarily for a person’s company or entertainment. It is rather than as working animal, livestock or laboratory animal. Popular pets are often consider to have attractive appearances, intelligence and relatable personalities. We discuss here about 10 Pet Animals Names | List of Best Domestic Animals.

Top 10 Pet Animals




Any domesticated or tamed animal that kept as a companion and care for affectionately call Pet. Popular pets are often consider to have attractive appearances, intelligence and relatable personalities. But some pets may be taken in on altruistic basis and accept by owner regardless of these characteristics.

Most popular pets are dogs and cats. Technical term for Cat lover is an ailurophile and Dog lover a cynophile. Other animals commonly kept include: rabbits; ferrets; pigs; rodents. Such as gerbils, hamsters, chinchillas, rats, mice, guinea pigs; avian pets. Also such as parrots, passerines and fowls. Some are reptile pets turtles, alligators, crocodiles, lizards and snakes. The aquatic pets are fish, freshwater and saltwater snails.

Amphibians like frogs and salamanders; and arthropod pets. Such as tarantulas and hermit crabs. Small pets may be grouped together as pocket pets. While equine and bovine group include largest companion animals. Pets provide their owners both physical and emotional benefits. Walking dog can provide both human and dog with exercise, fresh air and social interaction. Pets can give companionship to people who are living alone. Also for elderly adults who do not have adequate social interaction with other people.

There is medically approve class of therapy animals. Mostly dogs or cats are brought to visit confine humans. Such as children in hospitals or elders in nursing homes. Pet therapy utilizes train animals and handlers to achieve specific physical, social, cognitive or emotional goals with patients. People most commonly get pets for companionship to protect home or property. Because of perceive beauty or attractiveness of animals.

10 Pet Animals Names:

10 Pet Animals Names

Children are amuse and fascinate by animals. A lot of them even throw tantrums about wanting to take them home. Pets are known to nurture growth of children in an effective manner. Pet animals for kids can range from usual ones we know of, to some unique ones. If your child shows affection towards it. Here is some information that can help you make an inform choice.

  • Dogs
  • Cats
  • Goats
  • Horse
  • Fish
  • Rabbit
  • Cow
  • Donkey
  • Camel
  • Buffalo

10 Pet Birds Names:

10 Pet Birds Names

Bird parents are passionate about the names they pick, so we surveyed a slew of them to find out what they call their feathered family members. These monikers run the gamut: There are birds named after fruits and food (yeah, candy counts!), ones based on personality (hello, Sunshine!) and bro-like names (Buddy!). Here are the top 25 most popular bird names.

  • Parrot
  • Pigeon
  • Sparrow
  • Hen & Cock
  • Duck
  • Kiwi
  • Peacock
  • Ostrich
  • Eagle
  • Dove

List of Pet Animals:

List of Pet Animals

It is hard to find child that doesn’t dream of having pet. Childhood just isn’t complete without a trusted, animal companion at your side. There is also plenty for parents to love about pets too. They can teach your children responsibility and studies have even found that children with pets have stronger immune systems than those without.

However, choosing perfect pet for your child can be difficult. Dogs and cats are most common. But there are tons of other species to consider as well. To help you narrow down playing field. We have put together this list of 10 Best Pet Animals for children. We recommend you carefully consider your living situation and your child’s age to determine what pet is best fit for your family.

1. Dog:


Dogs are likely the most stereotypical pet for children – and there’s a reason for that. Most average-sized dogs are large enough to avoid being injured by your child, but many breeds are also calm and laidback with children. Canines easily live to a decade, so you shouldn’t have to worry about having that uncomfortable conversation with your child. This species is also trainable and can usually go anywhere your child can, so they make good everyday companions.

However, dogs also need quite a bit of care. It is one of the famous and common animal in 10 Pet Animals Names. They’re going to need chew toys to prevent them from chewing on your furniture and a high-quality dog collar like this one. Children should not be expected to take care of a pet all by themselves – most of them will need help with this everyday care.

2. Cat:


Cats are also a pretty common pet for children. They’re large enough to avoid being injure by an accident-prone toddler and also make wonderful companions. They live long lifespans and are also playful. However, cats do not typically require as much maintenance as dogs. They do not need to be walk or bath and cats are usually more than okay with being left alone.

Still, cats aren’t perfect for everyone. Cats can’t keep up with an energetic child as easily as a dog can and are not typically “run around in the yard” pets. They also need quite a bit of equipment, just like dogs. They need scratching posts and plenty of toys. Cats will also need a litter box, which can take up quite a bit of floor space.

3. Goat:


The Domestic Goat or simply Goat is subspecies of C. aegagrus domesticate from wild goat of Southwest Asia and Eastern Europe. The goat is member of animal family Bovidae. Its subfamily Caprinae meaning it is closely related to sheep. There are over 300 distinct breeds of goat. It is one of oldest domesticate species of animal. It has been use for milk, meat, fur and skins across much of world. Milk from goats is often turn into goat cheese.

Female goats are refer to as does or nannies. Intact males are called bucks or billies and juvenile goats of both are called kids. It is one of the famous and common animal in 10 Pet Animals Names. Castrate males are called wethers. While the words hircine and caprine both refer to anything having goat like quality. It is one of the famous and common animal in 10 Pet Animals Names. Hircine is use most often to emphasize distinct smell of domestic goats.

According to UN Food and Agriculture Organization, In 2011, there were more than 924 million goats living in world.

4. Fish:


A fish may be the perfect “starter” pet for a child, but not just any fish will do. Goldfish may seem like the most obvious choice, but they’re actually more difficult to raise than the Siamese fighting fish. It is one of the famous and common animal in 10 Pet Animals Names.

These Southeast Asian natives are adapt to survive in isolation, in surprisingly small amounts of stagnant water. You may not even need aerators, filters, heaters, or chemicals.

However, betta fish thrive best in small aquariums with at least two gallons of water, regularly changed and kept between 76 and 82°F (24 and 28°C). Be sure to buy your fish from a store that has someone who can advise you on how best to care for them.

5. Horse:


The horse is one of two extant subspecies of Equus ferus. It is an odd toed ungulate mammal belonging to  taxonomic family Equidae. The horse has evolve over past 45 to 55 million years from small multi toed creature. Eohippus into large single toed animal of today. It is one of the famous and common animal in 10 Pet Animals Names. Humans domestication is believe to have been widespread by 3000 BC. Horses in subspecies caballus are domesticate. Although some domesticate populations live in wild as feral horses.

These feral populations are not true wild horses as this term is use to describe horses. That have never been domesticate such as endanger Przewalski’s horse, separate subspecies and only remaining true wild horse. There is an extensive specialize vocabulary usd to describe equine related concepts. Covering everything from anatomy to life stages, size, colors, markings, breeds, locomotion and behavior.

6. Rabbit:


Rabbits are small mammals in family Leporidae of order Lagomorpha. Oryctolagus cuniculus includes European rabbit species and its descendants. Sylvilagus includes wild rabbit species among them seven types of cottontail. It is also one of the famous and common animal in 10 Pet Animals Names. The European rabbit which has been introduce on every continent except Antarctica. It is familiar throughout world as wild prey animal and as domesticate form of livestock and pet.

With its widespread effect on ecologies and cultures, rabbit in many areas of world part of daily life. As food, clothing, companion and source of artistic inspiration. Although once consider rodents, lagomorphs like rabbits have been discover to have diverge separately and earlier than their rodent cousins. They have a number of traits rodents lack, like two extra incisors.

6. Cow:


Cattle, cows  and bulls are most common type of large domesticate ungulates. They are prominent modern member of subfamily Bovinae. They are most widespread species of genus Bos and are most commonly classify collectively as Bos taurus.

Cattle are commonly rais as livestock for meat for milk and for hides. Which are use to make leather. It is also one of the famous and common animal in 10 Pet Animals Names. They are use as riding animals and draft animals. Another product of cattle is their dung. Which can be use to create manure or fuel. In some regions such as parts of India. Cattle have significant religious meaning. Mostly, Cattle small breeds such as Miniature Zebu are also keep as pets.

Cattle were domesticate from as few as 80 progenitors in central Anatolia, Levant and Western Iran. According to FAO, there are approximately 1.5 billion cattle in world as of 2018. In 2009, cattle became one of first livestock animals to have fully mapped genome.


A Pet is an animal keep primarily for a person’s company or entertainment. Any domesticated or tamed animal that kept as a companion and care for affectionately call Pet. It is hard to find child that doesn’t dream of having pet. They can teach your children responsibility and studies have even found that children with pets have stronger immune systems than those without. Cats and Dogs are Best Animals for Pet.


What is another word for pet?
Another word for pet is Domestic Animal.
Is it cruel to keep pets?
The institution of petkeeping is fundamentally unjust as it involves manipulation of animals’ bodies, behaviours and emotional lives. So, it is not known as cruelty.
Are pets good?
There are many health benefits of owning a pet. They can increase opportunities to exercise, get outside and socialize.

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